Function designations that are chosen in the masculine form in these statutes are used in general language and writing in the applicable feminine or masculine form.
Legal basis: Swiss Civil Code
I. Name and Registered Office
Article 1 Name
"Vo härzä for premature babies and Stärnechind" is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff of the ZGBArt. 2 seat
The association's legal domicile is in the municipality of Schmitten.
II. Purpose of the association
Art. 3 Purpose, tasks, neutrality
The purpose of the association is aimed exclusively at charitable purposes, within the framework of selfless civic engagement. This means that the association, among other things, produces clothing for premature children or objects to ensure a dignified burial of a dead child (now commonly referred to as "star children") or a deceased premature child. Souvenirs also fall down. These items will be given to hospitals, charities, funeral homes or the parents concerned free of charge and without consideration.
The association is politically and religiously neutral.
The formation of sub-units, as long as they fulfill the purpose of the association, is permitted.
The purpose of the association is not primarily aimed at a planned, long-term appearance on the market in an entrepreneurial function, and thus not at a predominantly economic business operation.
III. non-profit
Art. 4 Non-profit status
The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes. He is selflessly active and does not primarily pursue his own economic purposes.
Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. Members receive no benefits from the association. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.
IV. Club structure
Art. 5 Inventory
The association includes the following groups:
• Active
• Passive
• Honorary Members
• Promoting Members
V. Membership and Appointments
Art. 6 Categories of members
The association comprises the following categories of members:
Active members (are natural persons who are actively involved in the production of
clothing and objects involved, as well as the members of the board of
Passive members (are natural persons who are not actively involved in the
involved in making clothes and items)
Honorary members (are natural persons appointed by the General Assembly
to be elected an honorary member)
Supporting members (are natural and legal persons who
Promote the tasks of the association ideally and materially)
The members of the association have to follow the statutes of the association and protect the interests of the association.
Art. 7 Acquisition of membership
Membership can be acquired as soon as the board of the association has accepted and agreed to a written declaration of membership addressed to it. Anyone who recognizes and wants to promote the purposes of the association can be accepted as a member of the association upon application.
Persons under the age of 18 require the express consent of their legal guardians.
With the admission to the association, the member recognizes the statutes as well as the regulations decided by the general meeting (contributions, special contributions, etc.)
The applicant can appeal against a negative decision of the Board of Directors regarding an application for membership. The rejection decision itself does not require any separate justification. The next general meeting will make a final decision on this objection with the majority of the votes cast.
Article 8 Insurance
All club members are responsible for their own insurance coverage.
Art. 9 Transfer
You can transfer from one membership category to another at any time.
Art. 10 Deletion
Members who do not fulfill their obligations to the association can be removed from the list of members by the general assembly at the request of the board.
Article 11 Exclusion
Members who intentionally or grossly violate the statutes and regulations of the association or who prove to be unworthy of association membership can be expelled by resolution of the general assembly. The members concerned are to be informed in writing of the sanctions.
Art. 12 Honorary Members
Honorary members are appointed by the general assembly, at the request of the board, members or persons who have rendered outstanding service to the association.
Art. 13 Passive members
Anyone who is interested in the cause of premature babies and star children and supports the association financially can become a passive member. Membership arises with the payment of the corresponding fee, no resolution is required for admission.
Art. 14 Termination of membership
Membership in the association is terminated by:
- Exit
- exclusion or
- death
Withdrawal from the association is only possible at the end of the respective financial year, subject to compliance. It is made by written declaration to the board of directors, at least 20 days before the next general meeting. A splitting of already paid membership fees "pro rate temporis" is not permitted, ie submitted before the specified time, the member has to pay the fees and other services for the current year in full.
With the termination of membership, any claim against the association expires. Contributions, allocations, special contributions and fees already paid within the meaning of Section VI of these statutes will not be refunded. There is no entitlement to the association's assets or any compensation for voluntary work.
After termination of membership, all of the association and Materials received through donations are returned to the appropriate warehouses.
VI. Finances:
Art. 15 Obligation to contribute
The association collects contributions from its members to cover the costs of fulfilling the statutory tasks and purposes.
The amount of the annual contribution and any allocations is decided by the General Assembly with a simple majority.
Art. 16 Free of charge
They are completely exempt from the obligation to contribute to the association
- Honorary Members
Art. 17 Financial year
The fiscal year ends on October 31st.
Earnings and expenses:
The income of the association is in particular:
• Membership fees
Income from the association's assets
Profits from proceeds from market stalls and other sales
Voluntary Contributions and Donations
material purchases
administrative expenses
Other expenses decided by the GM or by the VS
Extraordinary expenses outside the budget, according to the annual
GA to be decided expenditure authority.
Art. 18 Liability
The association is liable with all its assets. Personal liability of the members is excluded, with the exception of criminal acts.
VII. Rights and Obligations of Members
Article 19 Rights
All members have the right
according to the provisions of the statutes and existing regulations
Participate in meetings and events of the association, submit applications and use all material and non-material services generally offered by the association.
to be trained by the commissioned members of the association if necessary.
Apply for and receive honors and awards for deserving members awarded by the association _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Article 20 Obligations
All members are obliged to
to sustainably support the goals and tasks of the association and the resolutions
carried out by the organs of the association.
The by the General Assembly or by a General Assembly
Contribution regulations to provide contribution payments specified there.
VIII. Bodies of the association
Art. 21 Bodies
The organs of the association are
General Assembly (AGM)
Board of Directors (VS)
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - Technical Manager
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - secretary
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - Kassier
All organs carry out their work on an honorary basis, and there is no remuneration for this. Only the personnel and material expenses arising from association matters are borne by the association. This is to be accounted for. Wage-like expense allowances, including lump sums, are not permitted.
general assembly
The GM is the highest organ of the association and meets at least once a year as a general assembly. It is made up of the
• active members
• Honorary Members
• passive members
• board members
• auditors
The AGM is responsible for the following business
Approval of the minutes of the last AGM
Approval of the annual reports of the Presidium and the technical management
Approval of the annual accounts of the association and the audit report
Setting membership fees and approving the budget
Determination of the annual program
Election of the President
Choice of technical direction
Election of the other members of the VS
election of auditors
Appointment of Honorary Members
approval of the regulations
Decision on applications to the GM
Articles of Association Revisions
dissolution of the association
Applications to the AGM must be submitted in writing to the VS at least 20 days in advance. The invitation to the GM is made in writing with the announcement of the agenda items. It must take place at least 30 days before the meeting. The AGM convened in this way has a quorum.
An extraordinary general meeting is convened by the VS or at the request of one third of the members entitled to vote, specifying the agenda items to be dealt with.
All active, passive and honorary members over the age of 16 are entitled to vote at the general assembly and have the right to submit motions.
The association's business and elections are decided in open voting, unless a secret ballot or election has been decided (simple majority of those voting).
The VS consists of:
Technical Manager
and must consist of at least 3 members. Up to two further board members can be appointed by the general assembly: secretary, deputy president, assessor.
The following offices must be occupied: President, Technical Manager, Secretary.
The VS has a quorum if the majority of its members are present. Resignations of board members are to be announced in writing to the board at least 60 days before the GM.
Tasks of the board:
The tasks of the VS are:
General management of the association according to the statutes and regulations
external representation
Creation of organizational charts and Reglemente
Is in contact with other associations, communities and authorities
The VS meets when the Executive Committee or the majority of the Board members deem it necessary.
Authorization to sign:
Der Präsident und/oder Vizepräsident zeichnet zu Zweien mit dem Sekretär und/oder technical manager legally binding.
The revision commission consists of at least 2 members. You choose your own presidency.
The auditors check the annual accounts and balance sheet of the association, any funds, cash registers from commissions and settlement of market receipts and other sales. They submit a written report to the GM and submit corresponding motions to the GM.
Minutes must be kept of all meetings of the association and of the board of directors.
IIX Revision and Implementation Provisions
Art. 22 Amendment of the Articles of Association
Amendments to the articles of association can only be made at a general meeting with a 2/3 majority of the votes cast.
It is permissible to schedule the consultation and vote on the amendment to the Articles of Association as part of an extraordinary general meeting (single item on the agenda).
Article 23 Dissolution
The association is dissolved by resolution of the members in a general assembly convened specifically for this purpose.
The dissolution meeting has a quorum if it is convened in accordance with the statutes and at least half of the members are represented. If this is not the case, a dissolution meeting must be convened within two months, which has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
The dissolution resolution requires a majority of 2/3 of the valid votes cast. You can only vote with YES or NO, abstentions are counted as invalid votes.
Art. 24 Appropriation of assets upon dissolution of the association
In the event of a dissolution of "Vo härzä for premature babies and Stärnechind"
the association's assets are transferred to another non-profit organization pursuing similar interests
In the event of a dissolution or merger of the association, the GM decides on the definitive use of the association's assets. The Board of Directors is responsible for and carrying out the liquidation.
Art. 25 Internet pages, patterns and stock
Homepage and Facebook page
The official homepage and Facebook page is owned by the association and may not be claimed by any member.
sewing pattern
All patterns that the association accepts over time are the property of the association and are only passed on to association members. If a member leaves the association, they have no right to continue using the patterns.
Every member who manages a camp for the association, regardless of the form, must hand it over to another, active association member after leaving the association with immediate effect. The administration address will then be changed immediately in the regulations.
Entry into force of the statutes
The statutes come into force with the inaugural meeting on October 14, 2018.